Major is Deadly Genetic Disorder… Get tested to prevent the birth of a Thalassaemia Major Child in your family!!!
Did you know, that if both husband and wife are diagnosed as Thalassaemia Minors, there can be a risk of Thalassaemia Major child being born in the family!! |
A Thalassaemia Major child suffers from severe anaemia and is dependent on blood transfusions throughout its life. |
The child and its family suffer from tremendous emotional trauma and unhappiness. |
Treatment is painful and expensive, costing almost a lakh of rupees every year. |
To add to the misery, there is no permanent cure except for bone marrow transplantation, costing several lakhs of rupees. |
However, if both husband and wife get tested for Thalassaemia Minor condition, the birth of a Thalassaemia Major child can certainly be prevented. Thalassaemia Minors are Normal and Heathly!! In Thalassaemia Minors, one of the two genes responsible for producing normal hemoglobin is impaired. Generally, Thalassaemia Minors are perfectly healthy and symptom-free. A few of them may have slightly lower hemoglobin levels and therefore may be mildly anaemic. |
How does a child inherit the thalassaemia disorder! |
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The Incidence of Thalassaemia in India is very high!!! | ||||||||||||
The average incidence of Thalassaemia Minors in India is 3.9% | ||||||||||||
This implies that 1 in every 25 Indians is expected to be Thalassaemia Minor. | ||||||||||||
In communities like Sindhis, Gujratis, Bengals and Punjabis, the incidence is as high as 8-10%. | ||||||||||||
Every Year, 10,000 Thalassaemia Majors are born in India!!! | ||||||||||||
Can you prevent the birth of Thalassamia Major child in your family? | ||||||||||||
Yes, only if you are aware that you are a Thalassaemia Minor!!! | ||||||||||||
Thalasaemia Minor condition can be indentified by measuring HbA, in blood. | ||||||||||||
This should be ideally done before marriage and certainly before planning a child. | ||||||||||||
If the HBA2 value is more than than 3.6*, you may be confirmed case of Thalassaemia Minor(1). However, | ||||||||||||
If you are not a Thalassaemia Minor, no precaution is required. | ||||||||||||
If you are a Thalassaemia Minor and unmarried, it is advisable that you do not a marry another Thalassaemia Minor. | ||||||||||||
If you are a Thalassaemia Minor and married, get your spouse tested for Thalassaemia Minor condition. | ||||||||||||
However, if both you and your spouse are Thalassaemia Minors, consult your doctor for genetic counseling before conception and get prenatal diagnosis done. This facility is available at many major hospitals in India. | ||||||||||||
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